Return and Refund

Bloomvies is obligated to provide the return service to all customers. The return service is currently available to the country of purchase.

If the item is purchased from the Bloomvies official store, the authority to request return or refund is permitted.

If the item is purchased from distributors of Bloomvies, may follow the distributor policies. Please contact your distributor for further information.

Return and refund policies may vary according to local laws and regulations.

Order Cancellation

Customers can request an order cancellation within 48 hours after placing an order by email or phone with the Bloomvies official store.

Lost / Damaged Products Received

If the product was not delivered or lost, please immediately contact us.

If the product you received was damaged, or if you receive an incorrect or incomplete product, please immediately contact us with proof of videos and/or pictures.

30-Days Money-Back Guarantee

Within 30 days of the purchase, if you are unsatisfied without quality issues, you have the authorization to refund after return the items complete, unused and in the original package, and please contact Bloomvies Customer Service to get return details.

Return Process

Please contact Bloomvies Service for assistance to proceed the return process with proof of purchase provided and merchandise authorization (RMA) number for return.

Please follow the instructions guided by Bloomvies service on how to properly pack and return the product safely.


Refund will be processed within 2-3 business days after the product is returned to Bloomvies warehouse with a refund notification to customer email address.

Note: Please contact us if the refund is not received within 3 business days.

Contact us:


* Bloomvies may reserve the right for the modify and final explanation.